Terms and Conditions of Sale

Please review the following information. before you complete a purchase in our store. Check the box at checkout to agree to them.

Eirene Cremations Inc. operating as Eirene (“the Provider”)
License # TS-1486 Transfer Service Operator – Class 1
Licensed by the Bereavement Authority of Ontario
1 (844) 493-6356

Person in charge of day to day operations:
Jennifer Connolly, Manager
Telephone: 1-888-712-5337

This contract is between the Purchaser and the Provider concerning supplies and is subject to the provisions of the Funeral, Burial and Cremation Services Act, 2002 ("the Act").

Purchaser's Declarations and Acknowledgements Payment terms:
The purchaser agrees to pay the balance owing in full at the time of online purchase after agreeing to these terms and conditions. For alternate payment considerations please speak to one of our licensed funeral directors. Consumer Information Guide and Price List: The purchaser acknowledges having reviewed the Consumer Information Guide prepared by the Bereavement Authority of Ontario available electronically on the BAO website at: https://thebao.ca/for-consumers/consumer-information-guide/.

Delivery time and location:
The supplies contained in this contract will be delivered as outlined. It is understood that some decisions may be made or changed subsequent to this contract. By agreeing to this contract, the purchaser consents to the delivery of supplies and services within 30 days.

The Provider will make reasonable efforts to obtain and provide the supplies agreed to in this contract. If the Provider is unable to obtain and provide a service or supply, the Provider will inform the purchased of the proposed substitution, and whether the substitution is of equal or greater value than the original supply or service. The purchased may cancel this entire contract in accordance with the Terms of Cancellation; or, the purchaser may cancel the unavailable supply or service, in which case the Provider will refund the initial amount paid for the supply or service. If the purchaser chooses not to cancel the entire contract, and the Provider and the purchaser agree, the Provider will substitute a supply or service of equal or greater value than the original supply or service that is unavailable, at no increase in purchase price.

The Provider warrants that it will provide the supplies agreed to in this contract to be the best of its abilities. The warranties granted in connection with the supplies provided as part of this contract are the express written warranties, if any, extended by the manufacturer of such supplies, and as required by Ontario consumer protection legislation.

Terms of Cancellation:
The cancellation rights are set out in sections 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, and 46 of the Act and sections 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, and 144 of Ontario Regulation 30, made under the Act. The following summarizes the basic provisions of the law. If there is any conflict between the law and the following summary, the law will supersede. The purchaser may cancel this contract by providing notice of the cancellation in writing to the Provider. A partial or full refund of moneys paid may be available based on the terms of this contract and the law. Any refund owed will be issued within 30 days.

If this contract is cancelled within 30 days of this contract date and before any supplies have been provided, the Provider will refund all amounts paid under this contract in accordance with the Act.

Eirene Cremations Administrative Office:
21 King Street West Office #517, Hamilton ON, L8P 4W. In person meeting by appointment only.