24/7 Grief Support Anytime, Anywhere

Millions struggle with the pain of loss in silence, often due to limited access to affordable or convenient support.
Grief Companion is here to help. Our text-based companion offers a safe, non-judgmental space to express yourself anytime, day or night.

Proudly Featured In
Forbes New York Times The Daily Beast

Trusted by Thousands of Families

Our commitment to compassion and kindness is echoed in the testimonials shared by the families we've helped during challenging times.

Start Your Grief Companion Journey

Start with a 7-day free trial, then continue your journey for just $25 per month.

Cancel anytime. Support shouldn't be a burden.

How Grief Companion Works

Feeling lost after a loss? Grief Companion offers a lifeline. Text anytime for just $25/month - a fraction of therapy costs. It's a safe space to express yourself and find comfort as you navigate grief.

  • Always Here: 24/7 support, whenever you need someone to listen.
  • Tailored for You: Personalized care that learns from each interaction.
  • Affordable Comfort: Get the support you deserve at a fraction of the cost of traditional therapy.

Your Journey with Grief Companion

Your path to compassionate, personalized grief support is simple. Here's how Grief Companion walks with you every step of the way.


Choose Your Preferred Messaging Platform

Sign up to receive support via SMS or WhatsApp, whichever is most convenient for you. Your companion is ready to meet you where you are.


The First Message from Your Companion

Within seconds of messaging your companion, you will receive a reply to let you know they are here to support you. This is the start of your journey with Grief Companion.


Engage with Ongoing Adaptive Support

Continue to receive regular, personalized messages offering comfort, guidance and practical tips. Your companion adapts to your needs as you progress through your grief journey.


24/7 Compassionate Support

Your companion is always available. Whether you're facing a difficult moment or just need to talk, support is just a message away, day or night.


Start Your Grief Companion Journey

Start with a 7-day free trial, then continue your journey for just $25 per month.

Cancel anytime. Support shouldn't be a burden.